Listen When You Hear that Still Small Voice!

This evening we were on the way home from a family night out, driving on old country roads, when I heard a still small voice that said, "Watch out for the deer." I looked over at Bryan and said, "Watch out for the deer. I'm not sure why but I just know I need to tell you that." I guess he took me seriously because he put both hands on the steering wheel and I felt him reduce the speed. About two minutes later, I noticed a deer across the street and as quickly as I could scream, "Ahhh, there's a deer!" It ran straight toward our van. Bryan slammed on breaks but we collided with it. It was loud, jarring, and happened so fast. The buck was thrown to right of the road. We couldn't stop to see what happened to the deer because there were so many cars behind us, but with the impact I felt, I'm guessing it didn't make it. 
A couple minutes later I realized I had been warned that we were about to hit a deer. How amazing is that!?! Because I heard that warning, listened to it, shared it with Bryan, and he took it seriously, what could have been a nightmare, ended up not being too bad. If we hadn't reduced our speed or if Bryan only had one hand on the wheel, I think the experience would have been much, much worse. I truly believe God protected us. It was also a powerful experience for our kids. They were very upset about the deer but shocked by what I heard a few seconds before the accident. Allison even prayed for the deer saying, "Let the deer be okay but if it isn't, let it be in Heaven with you." 

I'm so thankful that my family was protected tonight and for the warning I was given. It reminded me how important it is to be paying attening, to listen,  and not to second-guess myself when I believe God is speaking to me because He probably is!




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