A History-Making Case for Life

Earlier this week my oldest son and I listened as the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case that has opened the door to the possibility of overturning or altering the landmark decision made in 1973 by with Roe v Wade. Its no surprise that this history-making case has caused emotions to run high on both sides of the abortion issue and elicit all types of opinions. However, I never get used to how extreme and irrational the fight for abortion truly is.
Saying men have absolutely no right to an opinion about abortion is like personally building a house and then not being allowed to have a voice in whether the house is lived in or demolished. Since the beginning of time it has taken both a man and a woman to create a baby. Women cannot get pregnant on their own. This absurd pro-abortion arugement has made it easy and acceptable for men to walk out on their responsibilities. If we want men to step up when a pregnancy is wanted, we cannot also say they have no right to an opinion when the pregnancy is unwanted.
Currently, many radical feminists are saying that not being able to have an abortion is "forced birth." That's appalling. Feminist should be embracing a female's ability to give birth and impact future generations. Afterall, women are the ONLY ones who can do that! That's like a super power, not a weakness that needs to be erased. We need to empower women to have their babies and reach their goals. BOTH are possible! Saying otherwise is a lie. Implying that a woman must end the life of her child in order to have a career or be successful is disgraceful. We would never agree that a man has the right to kill his children for the sake of his career, would we?
As a woman who has had an abortion, I know that abortion doesn't set a woman up for a better life. Instead, it gouges an enormous hole and fills it full of shame, sorrow, and regret. Is that the price for success these days?
Carrying around a hidden burden that's almost too heavy to bear, should not be what's required of women if they want to fulfill their dreams. Robbing a man of his voice in regard to the life of his child, does not give women the standing in society we deserve, it makes us just as sexist and prejudice as the worst misogynist.
These illogical arguments show how nonsensical the fight for abortion is. The extremists have no educated and rational aruguments. Any respectable points they've had, have been proven wrong. So, it appears they've decided to take the "taking a life is laughable" approach. Those loud voices do not make up the majority of poeple in this country, and for that I am grateful.
Whether these "radical feminists" take their abortion pills on the steps of the capital or not, Wednesday's oral arguements mark a step in the right direction for our country. Overturning Roe v Wade should have happened years ago but I'm thankful to be a part of the generation that will hopefully restore the sanctity of human life and embrace the superpower women have as mothers.



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