To the Young Man who Called Me a B*&@# in Front of My Son


In case you don’t remember me, let me refresh your memory. This afternoon you drove up next to my son and me and stopped your car. With a hateful tone and a sour look on your face, you said, “It’s pathetic that you would indoctrinate your son with this s#*t.”  Then you looked at my son and told him not to listen to his mother.  You said, “She doesn’t know what the f^@k she’s talking about.”  Then, without allowing me even a moment to respond, you sped off with your arm sticking out of the car, flipping us off with your middle finger. Apparently, you didn’t like me watching you drive away so you stopped your car and yelled as loud as could, “Stop f^@king staring me, you nasty B*&@#.”

I won’t pretend to know you or why you would treat a total stranger so poorly, but you also shouldn’t assume you know me. Yes, I was standing outside of a Planned Parenthood on abortion day. Yes, my teenage son was standing with me. Yes, we are pro-life. But you have no idea what we were doing or why we were there. You probably assume we were harassing the women going in for abortions but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. We do not yell, judge, criticize, or even hold hateful signs. We are simply there praying and offering hope and help to these women and families.

You see, I had an abortion as a teenager and have spent the past 22 years regretting it. It’s my desire to help others avoid the guilt and shame that follows an abortion. I never try to force anyone to choose life, I simply share my story, so they know that abortion isn’t the easy way out they’ve been told it is. I wish someone had told me that.

Believe it or not, 9 out of 10 women who have had an abortion deal with tremendous regret, shame, and guilt but do not how or where to find healing.  That’s why my son and I were out there late in the afternoon, as the women were leaving. We were making sure those ladies know that there is healing available after abortion.

I find it interesting that you think teaching my son to be kind and concerned for the well-being of others is pathetic when you chose to drive by and scream a bunch of terrible words at his mom--- some of which he’s never even heard before. Your brief contact with my son had nothing but a negative impact on him. You should also know that while I’ve been serving on the sidewalk for over two years, I have never asked my family to come with me. My son asked if he could join me because he knows how much abortion hurt me and wants to help others avoid that tragedy.

You may think your hateful words caused my son to think poorly of me, but you should know when you drove away, my boy hugged me and said, “I love you, Mom.” Want to know why? Because he is kind and caring and saw your ridiculous outburst for what it was.  I’m grateful he got to see ignorance acted out in such an ugly way because he also got to see his mom react in a positively, without anger or desire for revenge.

I have to wonder if you believe your tantrum would produce anything worthwhile. I want you to know that your words do not harm me or my son. I forgive you for your atrocious behavior toward me and for setting such a disturbing example for my son. I forgive you because, like you, I have needed grace and still do, each and every day. The child I aborted would be about the same age as you, so I have decided to pray for you because I am grateful your mom didn’t choose to abort you.




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