An Amazing Day on the Sidewalk!

It's been two years since I first began sidewalk advocacy outside of Planned Parenthood in Winston Salem. Since then, God has used my story to create Not Forgotten Ministries. We've been able to work our way up to full, all-day coverage on the sidewalk on abortion days. I've been asked countless times when I would be bringing my family on the sidewalk with me. I always answer, "I definitely want them to join me on the sidewalk but I want it to be their idea." 

Recently Dylan began showing a lot of interest. He took the sidewalk advocacy training this past weekend and asked if we could serve together on the sidewalk today. So, for the first time, I had one of my family members on the sidewalk with me! It was so wonderful! My heart nearly burst with joy!

Dylan got to witness an exciting day on the sidewalk. A very frantic, desperate couple parked in the wrong parking lot. I was able to talk with the young woman, share our literature with her and offer her hope and help. They found their way into the clinic and we prayed for them, that they might find the courage to come back out. A few minutes later we saw them heading back to their car. As strange as it sounds, the woman had been carrying a puppy when she entered the clinic. As she walked to her car the puppy jumped out of her arms and ran straight to me. That gave me the chance to talk to with her again. I gave her the information for the local pregnancy care center and shared the regret I feel because of my choice to abort. She was grateful for my authenticity and said they would go straight to the pregnancy center for a free ultrasound. 

Dylan and I (and the other advocates) were so thrilled! We never found out if they got the free ultrasound or not but either way, we know she didn't abort her baby today and that is something to be grateful for! This experience is the perfect example of why NFM needs to offer free ultrasounds. We're only a block away from Planned Parenthood, so that we will be able to walk the ladies right down the road instead of sending them away and never hearing more about them. It won't be much longer until that is a reality! Praise God!

Dylan was helpful, prayerful, and full of hope and concern for the women entering the clinic. He's already asked if we can start serving together each Tuesday. I can't even explain how happy that makes my heart! Serving alongside my son and helping a young woman reconsider her options, were both wonderful! I am so grateful!




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