Finally!! Time for My Infusion!

 Today is infusion day and I'm not sure I've ever been more grateful to recieve this treatment! I usually get Remicade infusions every 6-8 weeks to treat Ankylosing Spondylitis. For those who don't know what AS is, here's my definition (comprised of several official definitions but easier to understand). 

Ankylosing Spondylitis is a rare auto-immune disease. Most typically the spine is the focal point of the disease but it also affects the ribcage, hips, feet, hands, and other peripheral joints. As with all auto-immune disorders, the immune system is attacking the healthy parts of the body. The difference with AS is that the body will try to heal itself by growing new bone in the spine and other joints. This can lead to spinal fusion. Chronic fatigue, extreme muscle stiffness, pain and difficulty when breathing, severe eye problems, muscle soreness, flare-ups on one side of the body, etc, also play a major role in AS. 

The infusions, along with several other medications, have helped me tremendously but when its time for my infusion, I can tell! My regular infusion was scheduled for the beginning fo Novemeber but I couldn't get it because I was having a hysterectomy the following week. I was also scheduled twice in December but those appointments were cancelled because of complications with my surgery. So, September 21st was the last time I was able to recieve the infusion. 

To say I've been struggling is an understatement. Between the surgery, the  horrible recovery, and not being able to have my infusion, the last two months have been very rough. All of my recovery issues started improving but  then uevitis (inflammmation in the middle and back of the eye) struck my left eye. This is common with AS but something I have never experienced before. If not treated properly, it can cause blindness. For the past several days, I've barely been able to open my left eye and its so blurry I can hardly see out of it. Even typing this blog is a  very difficult task. 

The uveitis isn't responding to regular treatment but my infusion is expected to help knock it out. Because of the severe case of uevitis, the infusion center worked me in and I'm currently sitting in the chair, recieving the medicine I so desperately need!

Today I am incredibly grateful to finally get my infusion. My treatment plan is all out of whack now and it may take a while for me to feel the full effects of the mediation, but I'm praying this will help me start feeling well enough to be the mom, wife, homschool teacher, friend, and ministry leader, I so long to be. The past two months have been so hard. It's been difficult for me to even plan for the year ahead or get excited about the amazing things I see God doing in my life. I've been in such a weird place. But I feel God renewing me and restoring me. He provided a way for this treatment even when it seemed there was no way. He is my comforter and my advocate. He hears our prayers and is our helper. 
I am so grateful. 

Thank you to everyone that has prayed for me, helped me, taken care of my family, brought meals, and shown love and concern for me. Each of you are a wonderful blessing in my life.



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