Where Did They Learn That?

Lately all 4 of my children have been playing I Spy in the back seat of the van as we drive around town. It is absolutely adorable to hear my 2 year old say, "I pi wit my wittle eye..." I also love hearing my 5 year old say, "I see something with my little eyeball." It really cracks me up! 

As I listened to them this morning, I couldn't help but think about how they each learned to play this game. I remember teaching Dylan to play the game when he was little but I honestly don't remember teaching the other 3 kids how to play. They must have taught each other! How precious is that?

If they're teaching each other games like I Spy, what else are they teaching one another? 

Recently, Allison started saying the blessing at dinner. We didn't teach her how to do that. She learned by hearing her brothers say the blessing. She has also started laying hands on anyone that is in pain and praying out loud for God to help them feel better. She learned that from Evan, who prays boldly any time someone needs it. Tyson has learned to play "Star Wars" with his brothers but he has never even seen one of the movies. He picked up the story lines and the characters by watching his brothers play. 

More than ever, I am aware of how important it is for us to be aware of what our children are learning because they never stop learning from each other- even things that we'd rather them not learn. We also need to be intentional about teaching them the things of God. What we teach the oldest trickles down to the younger siblings. 

Today I am thankful for my precious babies and the lessons they are teaching one another. It makes my heart happy to know that Dylan is teaching Evan and Evan is teaching Tyson and Tyson is teaching Allison. I pray they will always learn from one another, reassure one another, and point each other to Jesus!


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