A Way To Change Everything.....

Have you ever considered how incredible it is that we can have been given free access to the God who created the Universe? The same God that formed the heavens and the earth, spoke light into existence, and created every living thing, has opened a way for us to speak directly to him, minute by minute if we desire to. It would be totally understandable for Him to have a list of prerequisites for us to attain before speaking to Him. It might also seem perfectly fine if He never allowed to us to talk to Him at all. After all, He is the omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent God. We are simply one of the things He created. The fact that He wants us to talk to Him and He listens to our every word, should truly blow our minds! ( "Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!" Psalm 116:2)

Since our ability to talk with God is one of the most incredible, life-altering gifts He has given us, why don’t we take advantage of it more? And even when we do take part in a conversation with the King of Kings, why do we often still walk in fear and anxiety? We act as if sharing our hearts and our needs with God will have no impact at all on our situations, regardless of what they might be. He wouldn’t have told us to pray in every situation, with all kinds of prayers, (Ephesians 6:18) if He never intended to listen or help us.

Maybe we continue to worry and doubt because of a lack of faith. Maybe we don’t believe He is really listening or that He really can do something incredible for us or those we are praying for. Maybe we aren’t sure if He really cares about us or the things we’re dealing with. Maybe we think, even though we’ve asked God to help us, we really have get it all done ourselves.

If we truly believe the God who carefully created us and designed a beautiful plan for our lives, is listening to us and wants to answer our prayers, it will be evident in our lives. I love the way The Passion Translation words Philippians 4:6-7. It says, “Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ.

Today I am grateful that praying continually, with grateful hearts, and true faith that He hears us, will change us even if the situation doesn’t change right away. Asking Him for and believing Him for the things we need will fill us with a peace the world cannot understand. The pressure will no longer be on us to fix our circumstances or work to make things better. The pressure will be on God and He gladly welcomes that pressure. He never intended for us to carry these burdens or the anxiety that comes with them.

If we’re feeling anxious or pulled in different directions, that’s a clue that we haven’t fully handed over our situations to God or we aren’t truly believing that He will take care of things for us. In those times, let’s take a few moments to share the details of our lives with God, asking Him for whatever we need and then being grateful to Him for what He will do. Allow Him to fill us with peace and to take away the anxiety that has plagued us. And then, as the day goes on, let’s pray continually, talking to Him just as we talk to a friend, knowing that He is the only friend that can actually change our circumstances and cast out our fear. He desires to talk with you and wants to help you. Communication with your Heavenly Father can change everything! I encourage you to start that conversation today or continue it, with a new fervor and widened faith, knowing that He will never let you down!


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