Seeking and Finding...

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:13

I always enjoy Easter! Not only do we celebrate our Risen Savior and spend time with family, but I also have so many wonderful childhood memories of Easter. I remember eating lunch at my grandparent's house each year and then having egg hunts with my cousins outside. I say "hunts" because we hid those eggs and found them over and over and over again. There was no candy involved. In fact, we used the hard boiled eggs my grandmother had dyed for Easter. The eggs would get cracked and smooshed and started making a big mess but we didn't care! We had so much fun with those smelly things!

Ready for the Egg Hunt!
Yesterday, we had lunch at my brother's house and then hid tons of Easter eggs for the kids to find. I loved watching them hunt for eggs and recalling all the egg hunts from my past.

Isn't it funny how we hide the eggs for children? We do put them places almost out of sight, but we are very careful to make sure they can be found. And for the youngest of hunters, we put them right out in the middle of the yard where they can't be missed. Yesterday during our church service someone pointed out that God does just the same for us. We think He is hidden, sometimes we feel He cannot be found, but if we open our eyes and truly seek Him, we WILL find Him. He can't be missed, actually.

Today I am grateful for for the sacrifice Jesus made for us, for the resurrection of our Lord, for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and for the hope of Heaven! Easter is such a sweet day of celebration!! I am also thankful that the Word promises that if we seek our Lord we will find Him! Yesterday my niece was hiding eggs by burying them in the dirt. It made me think, if God really wanted to hide Himself from us, He could! He could hide so well we would never, ever find Him. He chooses to be found. He desires for us to seek Him and He will never deny us the opportunity to find Him. Now, that's good news!


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