Leadership Retreat

It's hard to believe its been over 3 years since I decided to be a KEEP Collective designer. Honestly, I never dreamed I would still be selling this gorgeous jewelry three years later. I mean, I only signed up to earn enough money to buy homeschool curriculum. Who knew it would turn into so much more?

After hitting Director in November 2017, I was invited to KEEP Collective's first ever Leadership Retreat in San Francisco. It was such an honor to be invited and I have been super excited to attend the retreat. This past weekend the top 48 designers (out of over 10,000!) from all over the country and Canada traveled to San Francisco for the retreat.  I'm still just so shocked that I'm one of those 48!

The trip was a lot of fun! Truly a girl's weekends on steroids but with a lot of leadership training and behind the scenes info! Once again, I'm so happy to be a part of such an amazing company!

My friend and roommate, Lauree

The kitchen at Home Office

Wall of KEEP at Home Office

The 48 Directors and Above

There I am!

KEEP's Mission Statement

The Designers and Home Office Employees

Jessica Herrin (in the orange) is our CEO and Founder.
We had dinner at her 12 million house!!

My teammates 

Today I am grateful for a wonderful weekend away with so many lovely ladies from all over the country! What other job do you get to meet women across the country AND play with jewelry!?  I am also thankful to work as a designer with KEEP Collective. I am constantly amazed by the wonderful things this company is doing. I feel honored to be in the top 48 designers!! This is so much more than jewelry! God has truly blessed me with this "job!"


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