Thank you Billy Graham!

Yesterday I heard the news that Reverend Billy Graham had passed away. My heart was tempted to be a little sad at the news but I just couldn't be too upset. I can only imagine the glorious welcome he must have received as he entered the gates of Heaven---the same Heaven he told so many people about!

The picture above is from Billy Graham's Crusade in Charlotte in 1996. Believe it or not, I am somewhere in that stadium, at that crusade. Bryan's youth group attended the event and he invited me to come along. For the first time ever, I truly heard the gospel and I decided to give my heart to Jesus. Reverend Graham asked those who wanted to surrender their lives to come forward onto the field so I asked Bryan to go with me, and he did. It was an incredible experience! So many people, so much excitement, so much love for Jesus. 

Today I am grateful for the life Billy Graham lead. He was such a godly man, on a mission to tell as many people as he could about Jesus. I am so thankful that I was one of those people. My life was forever changed because of his obedience and willingness to share the gospel with all that would listen. I am grateful for all the ways God used Billy Graham and the legacy he left behind. Its such a sweet thought to imagine how joyful Billy must have been as he heard God say, "Well done, thy good and faithful servant." 


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