
Bryan and I have been reading a book by Bill Gillham called Lifetime Guarantee. I'm only half way through the book but I have already learned so much. One thing that has really stood out to me is the concept of Earthsuits. I know that sounds a little crazy but hear me out. 

We often think of ourselves as physical people with a spirit but in reality, we are spiritual people with a body.  Once our bodies pass away, our spirit goes to Heaven. Only the earthly body dies. So, why do we spend so much more time focusing on our earthly bodies than our spirit?

These bodies we have are just our earthsuits. It sounds funny but its really an amazing change in perspective. I have always, for 35 years, put so much emphasis on my earthsuit. Worrying too much about how much it weighs, what clothes to dress it in, what its hair looks like, and so on. What if I spent that much time concerned with my spirit...with who I am spiritually.

Now don't get me wrong, I do believe we should take care of our earthsuits. We are best able to be used by God when we are healthy and strong. Exercising and eating healthy should be a priority so we can take care of our temples but, for so many of us, it becomes an obsession. Our earthsuits become more important than our spirits.

Today I am grateful for this new perspective. There is freedom in realizing that our earthsuits are just day these bodies will get old and eventually die, but our spirits will live on forever. The eternal things are what matter most. I am also thankful for the wisdom this book is teaching me and I pray that it will help me teach this perspective to my children. 


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