The Atmosphere....

Today as I walked by the nursery at church I saw a sweet lady holding my Allison, standing in a circle, praying aloud with several other people. I'm just going to be honest, my heart nearly burst with gratitude in that very moment. There is just something amazing about seeing your baby girl snuggled up with a sister in Christ, hearing her pray to our Heavenly Father. 

I've been thinking a lot lately about the atmosphere my children are growing up in. The word atmosphere is defined as "the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or work of art" by Oxford Dictionaries. So what is the pervading tone or mood that my children experience on a daily basis? Well, I hope its a peaceful one, full of joy and love. Of course with 4 kids, the atmosphere isn't always that pleasant. One thing I do know, inviting the Holy Spirit in our home changes everything. The atmosphere can be transformed in moments when we invite Him in. He's already there, of course, but our acknowledgment of Him changes us and the way we interact with one another.

Today as I saw prayer occurring in the nursery of our church, I could sense such a sweet atmosphere. It's one that I am so grateful my children get to be a part of. It's  a wonderful feeling to know that the people my children are spending time with are also inviting the Spirit into the environment, praying aloud for my children to hear, worshiping Him boldly and trusting in His goodness. Today I am grateful for the atmosphere that surfaces the Holy Spirit invades...there is nothing better!


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