Thankful Hearts

This evening, after dinner, our family read the story, "God gave us Thankful Hearts." Then we discussed all the blessings we've been given by God and shared things we are thankful for. I loved hearing the boy's responses. They even thought of some things that Allison is probably grateful for. We also made a Thanksgiving wreath. The boys wrote the things they are grateful for on the leaves. Tyson even scribbled on some. I love seeing the finished product with my boy's handwriting on it!

Today I am grateful for this Thanksgiving Season. It's probably no surprise that I love this time of year. I love when folks take the time to share what they're thankful for! That's why I started this blog, A Life of Gratitude, anyway. I love making gratitude a part of my everyday life since honestly, focusing on the good in our lives truly makes everything better. I am also grateful for the chance to listen to my little ones share all the blessings they see in our lives. There is so much complaining and whining in this world, its important to spend time focusing on the many blessings we've been given.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Take some time to share your thankful heart with those around you!


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