When He Talks To Me...

This evening, while eating dinner, Evan looked up at me and said, "Momma, when God talks to me, I can't hear him out loud." I was surprised by his comment because it sort of came out of nowhere but I absolutely love hearing my boys talk about their relationship with God! So, I started a conversation with him. I told him that God often speaks to our hearts and in our minds, not necessarily so that we hear it with our ears.  Then Evan said, "When He talks to me, I'm usually outside and its usually in my brain or my heart." I asked him what God says to him and he responded in a deep, booming voice, "Listen to your Mom and Dad" and "I love you!" 

What joy that gives my heart! My 5 year old is hearing his Heavenly Father speak and God is already reassuring him that he is loved. 

Today I am thankful that the Father speaks! Not only to prophets and priests or seasoned Christians, but also to the youngest of people....children! I am grateful that Evan hears God and isn't afraid to talk about it! I pray often that my boys will know how much God loves and adores them. It blesses my soul to know that God, Himself, is speaking that truth over Evan's life!


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