Latte for Life!

I had such an amazing evening at the Latte for Life! My best friend, Valerie, and I have been working hard on this fundraiser for the New Life Family Outreach for several months. It was so much fun to see it all come together and watch everyone enjoying themselves. Each table host decorated her own table and brought a yummy dessert. We had cold and warm lattes provided by the Wallburg Emporium and a beautiful painting craft organized by Create and Decorate. We also had a time of worship led by my sweet friend, Meghan. Everything went smoothly and we all had a wonderful time. Not to mention, we raised money to support High Point's Pregnancy Care Center!

My table....beach themed

My Mom with baby Allison

She was a little angel! 

My table of lovely ladies

Our Neighborhood Bible Study gals

Valerie and Isabel
Allison and Me
Not sure how we did it all with these babies in tow...

This isn't the best picture but Meghan 
did such a fabulous job 
leading worship!

So. Much. Fun.

Today I am grateful for that the Latte for Life was so successful. I really had such a nice time with so many lovely ladies. I am grateful for the opportunity to be used by God to bless the New Life Family Outreach. This ministry is so important to our community and I am honored to be on the Board. The evening went so well! God definitely blessed our time together!


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