
Yesterday a few of my friends posted some beautiful pictures of their kids at a sunflower farm. I absolutely love sunflowers so I immediately wanted to take my kids to the sunflower farm and take their pictures also. So, this morning Bryan and I took the kids to Dewberry farm. The sunflowers were beautiful and it was a gorgeous morning. We kept trying to get a good photo but these were the best we could get...... They're lovely, huh? I'm not gonna lie, I was so aggravated. My friends that posted the pictures also have 3 or 4 kids, and they ended up with stunning photos in front of the sunflowers. Why were all of my kids screaming, crying, and hiding their faces in our pictures? Why can't I get one decent picture in front of one of my favorite flowers? The more I've thought about these pictures throughout the day, the more I realized that these are true expressions of real-life with my family. Yes, we often have great days, like the perfect, po...