The Greatest Show on Earth!

Today our little family went to see the Greatest Show on Earth!!! Bryan and I figured we better take our littles since this is the last time the circus will be in our area. We had a great time together! Tyson loved watching the guys do tricks on their bicycles. Evan said his favorite part was the guys doing flips and jumping on the trampolines. Dylan liked the camels and the woman being shot from a cannon the best! I think Bryan and I mostly enjoyed watching our boys enjoy the show!

Ready for the show!

We gad to take a picture of the $14 cotton candy!

Today I am thankful that we were able to take our kiddos to the Circus. I remember going as a kid and loving it! Our boys loved it too. I am grateful for these times together as family. I'm sad that we'll never get to see the circus again but I'm thankful for the memories!


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