Trip of Torture

We have sick little fella on our hands. We have all been sick over the past few weeks but after antibiotics, breathing treatments and rest, we have all gotten better, except for Tyson. He had antibiotics too but he is still sick. I took him to the doctor this morning and we were there for almost 3 hours. He had to have a chest xray, more breathing treatments, steriods and they had to monitor him because his breathing was so poor. Ends up that he has a whole lot inflammation in his lungs, is having lung spasms, his an ear infection, is at risk for pneumonia. My poor baby. He has been pitiful. 

The doctor gave a us a new nebulizer (Henry the Hippo!) for his breathing treatments and several more medications. She said he should already be feeling better within 24 hours! Praise Jesus!

While we were at the doctor today, I had to help give my boy more breathing treatments (which he absolutely hates), help squeeze him into the chest xray tube,  and give him the most disgusting tasting/smelling medicine I've ever encountered. To my sweet Tysie, the trip to the doctor probably seemed like the "Trip of Torture!" He screamed almost the entire time. He kept looking with those big blue eyes, as if to say, "Mommy, why are you letting them do this to me?" or "Why aren't you stopping this?!" As I watched him. my own eyes filling with tears, I heard God say, "This is exactly how I feel about my children."

He's always speaking to me through my crazy experiences as a mom and this was no exception. How often do we look up to Heaven and say, "Why are you allowing this happen? Why aren't you stopping this??" After my time with Tyson today, I know the answer to that question! I had to allow the doctor to put Tyson in that horrible contraption because it was what was best for Tyson. We had to see what was going on his lungs. I had to hold him tight and force him to do the breathing treatment because he desperately needed that to help his lungs stop spasming. I had to force him to take that medicine because without it, he won't get better. To Tyson, it seemed like I was torturing him and just allowing the nurses to hurt him. But I knew better, because I am wiser than He is. He isn't capable of understanding what is going through right now. He has no way of knowing was is best for himself right now, but I do. So even though it hurt him and he did not like it one little bit, I took Tyson on the "Trip of Torture" because its what he needed. I did not like watching him go through it all but, I had to do it. AND I was there the entire time, holding his hand and helping him get through it. I will continue to force the medications in him and hold him down for breathing treatments because without these things, he will just get more and more sick. He still won't understand why I'm doing this tomorrow or the next day but I will still know what is best for him and I will make him endure it because it will help him to be the healthy little boy that I know him to be. 

The same is true with our God. We just aren't capable of understanding all that He understands. We have no way of seeing the future or how our lives impact those around us. We can't wrap our minds around pain leading to something better and more wonderful. We just don't get how suffering can lead to peace and joy. Our God does though. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. He doesn't like watching us endure difficulty, but He is always right there with us through the hard times. It doesn't make sense to us most of the time but, even our pain is used for good in our lives. Sometimes the worst situation is what will be used to bring about the best things in our lives. Just like Tyson, we won't understand it, we won't like it and we may be looking to God asking why, but God will let it happen because He knows what is best. We just have to trust Him and let Him comfort us.

Today I am thankful for doctors and medciations and nebulizers that are helping my little boy to get well and feel better. If we lived in a country without modern medicine, this could be life threatening for him. Thank God for modern medicine and doctors who help us take care of our little ones. I am also grateful that God speaks to my heart through the most normal, mudane things of life. I needed the reminder that the hard stuff in life is often what is best for us, even when we just don't get it. Our God knows what's best for us. I can look at my problems and difficulties and know that God has purpose...even if that purpose is unknown. I may feel like I'm on a "Trip of Torture" God has knows how to use it for my good because He knows what is best for me. 


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