One Necessary Thing

I love going to MOMS (Mothers of Many Seasons) every Thursday morning. It's a time of fellowship and refreshment with other moms and there is always wonderful lesson taught by amazing godly women. This weekly time of encouragement has been a blessing to me for several years now! Today was no different. We learned the importance of choosing the One Necessary Thing, as Mary did Luke Chapter 10. Jesus and his friends come to Martha's house and she welcomes them with open arms but then immediately starts to prepare the food. She gets angry because her sister, Mary, isn't helping her. Instead, Mary is enthralled by Jesus. She is sitting at His feet, taking in every word He says. So Martha essentially tattle tales on her sister. She wants Jesus to tell Mary to help prepare the meal and serve the men but instead, "The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41

I've heard this story many times and I'll be honest, I've always read it as quickly as I can (to get it over with) because I am a "Martha" and there is no doubt about it! Just ask my husband, I never sit down! I've always felt as though this passage is scolding me and telling me I should be a "Mary" instead of a "Martha." Today, at MOMS, I heard a new way of looking at this passage and it makes me want to read the passage, instead of rush past it. We were reminded that Jesus loved both of these women. He created them, made them to be unique and lovely, and He isn't angry with either one of them.  We often read this passage as though Jesus is picking Mary over Martha but that isn't true. He knows that Martha is a servant at heart (He made her that way!) And we know from many places in scripture, that Jesus wants us to serve one another. He isn't angry with Martha for serving, or for even wishing someone would help her. He is simply telling her that Mary choose the necessary thing. There are many things Mary could have chosen. She could have been in the kitchen with her sister She could have been talking with one of the disciples. She could have been bragging to the neighbors that Jesus was at her house. The point is, she didn't choose any of those things. She chose to sit at the feet of Jesus, which would have probably been pretty rare during those times for a woman to do. It might have even "gotten in trouble" for it. She didn't care. She wanted to be near to Jesus. She wanted to soak in everything He said. Nothing else mattered, except the One Necessary Thing....Jesus.

I now have a new way of looking at this story. Instead feeling ashamed that I'm not a "Mary," I'm realizing that Jesus isn't scolding me. He's just reminding me that there are many times when I need to choose the only necessary thing instead of doing, serving, and working so hard to please others. Sometimes I need to stop striving, planning and rushing about. He knows exactly who I am and is happy with the person He created. He isn't trying to change me into a "Mary." He is trying to give me rest and peace by reminding me to choose the One Necessary Thing. 

Today I am thankful for this lesson, that has caused me to slow down as I read this passage and realize that Jesus isn't criticizing me....He just wants more for me! I am also grateful for the time of sharing and discussion at MOMS today. It is so wonderful to hear that other moms are dealing with all the same things I am. I'll be honest though, as I listened to these ladies talking, I realized that we are so hard on ourselves! We all mentioned our downfalls and the things we do wrong and the ways we feel guilty. I bet it breaks our Father's heart to know that we are so critical of ourselves. This is just another reason why we desperately need to make the choice to be with Jesus, because He is the One Necessary Thing. 


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