School's Out For Summer!

Homeschooling is little different than public school. Well, actually, its a LOT different. Which is why I love it so much! We still have to complete 180 days and we still use a curriculum and students still have to pass an end of year test. The flexiblity, the time with family, the focus on Christ, the ability to teach in my child's learning style, the ability for him to research and study things that interest him, not having to get up at the crack of dawn, and being able to move at his pace are just a few of the differences that I've come to adore. This year Dylan completed the 2nd grade curriculum. He is reading so well, doing multiplication and division, speaking Spanish, and continues to amaze me with his interest in History. This kid has taught himself more about the civil war than most of us ever care to know. I'm blown away by how much Dylan has learned this year!

This week we experienced a first for our little school. For the first time ever, we had to complete End of the Year testing. Each day this week I proctored the test while Dylan worked diligently to complete each section. He was oddly excited about this test! I think it made him feel "big!" He did well coloring in all those dots. And you know what, I never even taught him how to do that. In the public school I taught in, the teachers taught how bubble in the answers over and over again...I'm not sure why. Anyway, I was proud of my big test taker! 

 I didn't grade his End of Grade test because we use a testing company that requires us to mail the test back in and they grade it for us. So, after completing the test today, Dylan was super excited to place it in the mailbox!

Since the testing is done and our curriculum complete, school's out for summer! I am incredibly thankful for another year of homeschooling under my belt. Each new year brings new challenges, but as I look back over the past year, I feel Dylan and I have really taught each other so much! I am also grateful for a young man who is eager to learn and even teaches himself a lot of things. He has made being a homeschooling Momma so easy on me! I never expected to  homeschool my kids but God had this plan for me all along and I am so grateful! 

Oh, and I'm thankful that school's out for summer!!! We leave for Disney on Saturday for a week of fun and then we're looking forward to a relaxing summer!! YAY!


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