He's got me!

"You've got Jesus and He's got you"

Earlier I read a portion of a daily devotional when I came across these sweet words.... "You've got Jesus and He's got you." Honestly, I don't remember anything else from that devotional. I'm not even sure what it was about. But those words, those words stuck. It really doesn't matter what other words accompany that sentence because that truth stands firm regardless of anything and everything else. 

My favorite thing about that phrase is that it reminds me that "He's got me!"  Life is exhausting at times. It can feel like we're holding on for dear life, like we're just surviving. It's not like that with Jesus. He stands firm. He holds us tightly. He is not shaken. He is not weary. He is steadfast. It's not about me desperately clinging to Jesus, hoping I don't lose my grip. It's about Jesus holding onto me. I don't have to do a thing. And, I have to say, that is such a refreshing thought. 

Today I am grateful that He's got me! Mommy-hood involves a lot of service and a lot of sleepless nights and a lot balancing and a lot of trying to be who everyone needs you to be. It is wonderful to be needed and to be depended on and to be able to continuously love on those who God has placed in our lives but, let's be honest....it gets hard. It gets tiring. With Jesus, I don't have to do a thing. I've got Him and He's got me. Thank you, Jesus, thank you.


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