Who knew?? Easter Eggs Have Meaning!

We enjoyed dying Easter Eggs this evening. Normally we just have fun making the eggs different colors and patterns but this time, we dyed them specific colors that are representative of several Bible verses. I found this adorable printable on a blog recently. It tells that the red eggs represent the blood of Christ (1 John 7:1-9). The orange eggs represent fire because our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). The yellow eggs represent the light of God, there is no darkness in Him (1 John 1:5-7).  The green eggs represent eternal life (John 3:16). The blue eggs represent living water. (John 4:4). The purple eggs represent the royalty of the King of Kings (James 1:12). 

I've always sort of wondered where the tradition of dying Easter Eggs originated. Why in  the world do we do this? So, I researched it and found out that this tradition started with the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches. The egg is representative of rebirth or the new life that can be found in Jesus. They dyed the eggs red to represent the blood that Jesus shed on the cross.  Ok, so these are supposed to have meaning?? YAY!!! Who knew?? I love when the seemingly normal, everyday things of life, really have a special meaning behind them!! So this year, our eggs have meaning. It was still fun to dye the eggs but it wasn't just for fun this time...the eggs mean something!

Today I am thankful for the meaning that can be found the simple Easter egg. Its representative of rebirth and new life! When we give our life to Jesus, we can experience that wholeheartedly! I am grateful for the blood that Jesus shed for us that is represented by the red eggs, the consuming fire represented by orange, the light represented by yellow, eternal life represented by green, living water represented by blue, and the royalty of my King represented by purple. These eggs offer so much!! They could be the perfect way to share the gospel with a friend or family member this Easter! I am also thankful for a fun time with the boys. They always enjoy doing "artsy" type things so dying eggs is right up their alley! 

This is where I found the printable =) 


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