Little bits of Encouragement...

I know people label the 2nd year of life as the "terrible twos" but I really think that should be the label for the third year. With both Dylan and Evan, our family has experienced the "terrible threes!" Don't get me wrong, I love my three year old more than words can describe. There are just some really rough moments during the third year of life. The past couple of days have contained a lot of those rough moments. 

Sometimes, in those hard moments, I just have to cry out to God. I start to wonder if I have the patience or endurance to be the mommy I need to be sometimes. I worry that these rough moments will never end. I wonder if the my children will ever understand how much I love them, even in the difficult moments.  When I pray, God always reminds me that He hears me, He sees me, and He has equipped me to be Mommy that I need to be. He reminds me that He has placed these children in my life and that He will carry all of us through the rough days.

Just when I need it most, I am given the best encouragement. Out of no where, 3 year old Evan ran into the homeschool room and started working on something. A few minutes later he came out and handed me this picture...

 He said, "Mommy, I drew dis tank you card for you. Tank you so much for all you do. I wove you!" My heart nearly burst! I was so touched by this thoughtful little gift. The most amazing part, he did this all on his own. I was cleaning up dinner, Bryan was at church, and Dylan was was playing a game. No one gave Evan this idea. He made this for me because he wanted to tell me thank you. Oh, how sweet!! I love that little boy!!

Today I am thankful for my precious three year old. Yes, some days are hard, but these lovely little moments remind me how much this little guy means to me. I know that one day I will miss these days, even though they're hard.  Evan challenges me as a Mommy but I and incredibly grateful for the privilege of being his Mommy! I am also grateful that my Jesus knows it exactly what I need. He provides little bits of encouragement at just the right times! He blesses me, sustains me, and fills me with all that I need to be the Mommy He created me to be. Thank you, Jesus!


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