Not your stereotypical dad...

This picture captures exactly why Bryan is such an amazing father! I took this picture just yesterday while at dinner. Instead of watching the games that were playing on the televisions all around us or messing with his phone, Bryan was interacting with his boys. This is typical for our family. I know there are so many mommies who play the role of mother and father but I can't relate to that. The daddy in our family is just as involved as the mommy. Our boys (and soon daughter) will never know the stereotypical lazy, absent, self-centered, or workaholic dad. They have a daddy that is just the opposite! He is involved in every aspect of their lives, does all he can to provide for them but never lets that take him away from being present in their lives, and is actively teaching them to be responsible, godly people. 

Today I am thankful that my little ones have such an awesome father. I always thought Bryan would make a good dad but he has far exceeded my expectations. I am also grateful that I don't have to raise my children alone. I have several friends that are single moms and even more that might as well be single. Bryan is my partner in marriage and parenting. He doesn't leave it all up to me or put all the responsibility on my shoulders. He leads me and our children, he prays over family, and loves on us daily.  With all that we've been through over the past few years, I can't imagine life without such a wonderful father to help me raise our kids.

Bryan, I love you and I appreciate all you do for our family! Thank you for playing an active role in our family, for leading us spiritually, and for making your children a priority. In today's world, you are in the minority but your choice to be a good dad is more valuable than you'll ever know! Happy Father's Day!


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