No Record of Wrong....

"Jesus was in the garden. He was praying. Then
Judas came. Now we have no more sins because
Jesus died on the cross."
Dylan and I are finishing up all of our first grade school work this week. Today he read one of the final stories in his Bible reader and wrote his last entry in his Bible notebook. The story told of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, being betrayed, and finally dying on the cross. As he was working on his writing he asked for help with a sentence about Jesus dying on the cross. I gave a few examples and he said "no, I think it should say, and now we have no more sins because Jesus died on the cross." Hearing those words out of his mouth was like music to my ears. I love hearing those little signs that he truly understands what Jesus did for us when He gave his life on the cross. 

Dylan's sentence also hit home for me because it reminded me that our sins are completely erased because of Jesus' sacrifice. It really is like we have no more sins because Jesus wiped our slates clean! God does not keep a record of our wrong-doing! Can you believe that? People aren't like that at all. In fact, some people seem to remember every little thing others have done wrong. They throw past wrongs in your face that you don't even remember committing and sometimes they even recall mistakes you made 15-20 years ago. God doesn't do that and He is really the One we're sinning against anyway, isn't He? 

Today I am thankful for the reminder that God keeps no record of sins. Psalm 130:3 says "If you Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?" If God kept up with our mistakes the way people tend to, we'd all be in big trouble. I am incredibly grateful for a clean slate in the eyes of my Father because of Jesus' amazing gift. I am also thankful for the end to an amazing year in first grade with my little sweetie. He has learned so much. He is reading and writing so well. I can't believe we'll be starting 2nd grade in the fall! 


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