Free! Free! Free!

If you are a Mommy you probably recognize all the stuff in the picture above. Believe it or not, I got all of that stuff for FREE! The picture shows a brand new Medela Advanced Breast Pump, at least 20 storage bottles, 5 or 6 nipples, a hand-held pump, brand new tubing and shields, Fenugreek herbal supplements, comfort gel pads, and cotton nursing pads. I don't have any idea how much all of this is worth but I do know its a lot! The pump alone cost $243.00.

I used a similar pump with the boys but it's getting pretty old and been used a whole bunch. I was planning to get a new one to use with our little baby girl. I heard that insurance companies would cover breast pumps now but when I checked into it, of course, my insurance doesn't cover one. With all the expenses that come with buying a new home and moving and having a new baby, I just wasn't sure how we'd afford another breast pump. Have you heard me say before that God provides?? Well, He sure does!

A couple of days ago I checked my Facebook page and one of the "Mommy Groups" I'm a part of had a recent post that said, "Does anyone need a free breast pump?" I immediately responded, "YES!" Someone was giving away a pump that has never been used. Not only that, she had all the accessories to go with it. I won't have to buy anything! I picked it all up today and I couldn't have been happier! What a sweet Mother's Day present for this soon to be Mommy of 3!

Today I am thankful for all the ways God provides. He never ceases to amaze me! I would have never even considered asking God to provide a new breast pump but even without me asking, He came through with the top of the line pump and everything that I need to go with it! My God is so good! He provides for EVERY need.


  1. He sure does..thanks again for your uplifting posts..bless you and your lovely family. Chris xx


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