Why even try?

This morning during my quiet time I was reading Proverbs 20 when verse 24 popped off of the page for me. It says, "The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?" (NLT)  Maybe its just me but for some reason, I always want to understand everything! But, the Bible clearly says that there is no point. I'm just not going to understand God's ways. 

I am comforted by the promise that the Lord directs our steps. Not only does He direct and guide me but He is also continually directing the steps of others, even if they don't know Him. Lately it seems like I am constantly waiting on someone to do their job. We only have three business days until we close on our house and the appraiser hasn't come yet. We've also had to send paperwork to my doctor's office 3 different times because it was filled out incorrectly. I guess you could say I'm just ready for folks to do their jobs correctly and in a timely manner. It can be so frustrating! But then I read verses like Proverbs 20:24 and I realize that the Lord is directing their steps. Even if they're making mistakes or taking their sweet time, the Lord is still directing their steps. He is still in complete control. He is faithful to remove obstacles, to rearrange events, and to finish what He started!

Today I am thankful that God's role in our lives in greatly underestimated. He isn't just directing a few of our steps or working in some people's lives. He is continually and completely involved. We can trust him. I am also grateful that I am never going to understand God's ways. Why even try? Instead of trying so desperately to figure out what He is doing and why, I just need to rest and rely on Him. There is so much freedom in that!


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