Operation Christmas Child

Dylan has been excited about packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child for weeks now. We were originally going to pack 2 boxes but he insisted on doing at least 3. So, this week, we packed 3 shoe boxes full of goodies for boys and girls that are less fortunate. I love sharing this ministry opportunity with Dylan because he is able to focus on giving instead of receiving. He has helped me pack boxes in past years but this time, he basically did it all by himself. It has really become his little project! He picked the gender and ages, glued on the labels, marked the correct boxes, helped pick out all the items to go inside the boxes, packed the boxes, and wrote a letter to go inside. He was so proud of the final product. We prayed together for the sweet children that will receive these gifts and this morning, Dylan dropped off his boxes at church.

Labeling the boxes
Stuffing the boxes with goodies
"I love you and Jesus and God love you too!"
Writing the letters to go inside the boxes
The finished product!

Today I am thankful for Operation Christmas Child. This ministry was founded by Samaritan's Purse in 1990. Children all over the globe have learned about the love of Jesus through these simple shoe boxes for 23 years now! This ministry involves people of all ages, entire families, and churches of every demomination. I absolutely love being involved with OCC each and every Christmas season. I am also grateful that Dylan enjoys ministering to others in so many ways. It made my heart smile to see him take ownership of this project. He was so happy while packing these gifts and so proud of the final product! I am thankful for the opportunity to encourage his spirit of love and generosity. 


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