In the Mundane

Sometimes I get tired of some of the ordinary tasks that being a stay at home mom involves. For example--  dusting, emptying and reloading the dishwasher, folding and putting away laundry, cooking dinner, sweeping up cherrios and changing diapers, just to name a few. You'd never find me doing any of those things in a perfect world. I would much rather spend my time doing only the enjoyable parts of motherhood. 

Today, as a part of Priscilla's Shirer's "Gideon" study, we were asked to list some of those ordinary tasks that we do in everyday life. Later we asked to go back to that list and write beside each task how it represents God's faithfulness to us. It was a wonderful way to see God's blessings even in the mundane.

Cooking dinner means that I have a family to cook for and we have food to eat. Not to mention, we have a kitchen and all the utensils we need to make a meal. 

Emptying and reloading the dishwasher means that I have a machine that washes my dishes for me instead of having to wash them all by hand.

Changing diapers means that I have a baby. There is much hope and happiness and life with a a baby!

Washing and folding and putting away laundry means that my family has all the clothing we need. In fact, we have clothes of all shapes and sizes.

Dusting, sweeping, and every other household chore means that I have a house to clean and children to mess it up again.

Even when things aren't perfect in life, these mundane things reveal that God is still blessing us. If He had removed His blessings, we would no longer need to do these ordinary tasks. There would be no house to clean, no clothes to wash, no dinners to cook. I love this quote by Priscilla Shirer, she says, "Don't despise the very things that signify your seat under the umbrella of God's goodness each day." 

Today I am thankful for the blessings that I see even in the mundane. I am thankful for the little hands that make a mess even though I have to clean it up. I am thankful for the food we have to eat even though I have to cook it. I am thankful for the baby that makes those dirty diapers even though I have to change them. One day I'll miss the days of him being a sweet little baby. I am thankful for the laundry even though I have to wash it, fold it, and put it away. Without these tasks, I wouldn't have this precious life God has given me. I am grateful for this lesson also. It really puts things in perspective for me. All of these ordinary, mundane tasks point to God's goodness.


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