Homeschool Day at the Transportation Museum

Today Dylan and I were able to attend the North Carolina Transportation Museum's Homeschool Day! Dylan loves trains so this was a very special treat for him and since we don't get to spend too much time together (just the two of us) it was a very special treat for me as well. We both enjoyed learning about all types of transportation, time zones, power sources, the history of Spencer train station, the first airplane and wagons. We also got to ride the turn table and a diesel train. We even got to eat a picnic lunch together. Dylan made a new friend today also. They were in the same rotation and hit it off early in the morning. I love to see him making new friends so easily!

This kid loves steam trains!
Me with my big first grader.
Dylan is always full of questions and ready to learn!
Learning about the first airplane.
Checking out the model trains.
Such a hard worker!
Learning all about the Spencer Train yard
Doing some group work...
Riding the turn table with his new buddy, Andrew.

Today I am thankful for a fun day with my biggest boy. We had a really nice time together. I am also thankful that homeschooling is supported by the NC Transportation museum and many other organizations like it. I love that they offer these types of field trips for homeschooling families. It was very affordable and a great learning experience. I wasn't the only one who liked it--there were 200 homeschool kids at the museum today! Mostly, I am grateful that my son is so eager to learn. He is never afraid to ask questions and is always excited about learning new things! That definitely makes this homeschoolin' momma happy!


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