From Baby to Big Boy in 2 days!

On Wednesday night, when Bryan put Evan to bed, they couldn't find Evan's favorite pacifier anywhere. So, since Evan won't use any other pacifiers, he went to bed without his "bappy" (as he calls it) for the first time.  I was worried that we may have a long night but he slept all night! The next day, during nap time, Evan asked for "bappy" and I told him it that it had gone bye-bye. He was totally fine with it. He has now slept through 2 naps and 2 bed times without "bappy!" We weren't planning to get rid of the pacifier until he turned 2 in October but hey, if he is ok with it, so am I!

Yesterday Evan mastered climbing out of his crib even though it was lowered as low as it would go! The big problem was the way he was doing it. I watched him climb out a few times and he nearly scared me to death! I thought he was going to fall and break his neck. I actually had to catch him by the foot to keep him from getting hurt. I knew at that moment that we had to get out the toddler bed. So, last night was Evan's first night in his big boy bed. Again, I was worried that the night would be rough but Evan did incredibly well!

Today, at nap time, he wanted to play instead of sleep. Each time I heard him playing I went into his room, put him back in his bed, and took the toy out of the room. Finally, after filling up the couch with the toys from his room, I gave him some books to look while laying in his bed. He actually stayed in the bed with the books and within minutes, he was fast asleep! 

This evening, we started with the books in the bed and we had success within 15 minutes! I am so proud of my littlest big boy!

Today I am thankful that Evan has made these two very big transitions so smoothly! This boy loved his "bappy" so I fully anticipated him throwing a fit when we got rid of it. He totally shocked me! As for the bed, I would have never dreamed of pulling out the toddler bed for a 21 month old but I didn't want him to hurt himself! This transition has been much easier than I would have ever imagined. I am also grateful that God allowed these transitions to happen so quickly. As a very sentimental mommy, I have a tendency to get pretty sappy over transitions but I didn't have a chance to this time. My baby is a big boy now and happened so fast that I didn't have time to cry over it! (Well, okay, maybe a tear or two.) God knew these transitions needed to happen quickly so I didn't shed too many needless tears. My boys are growing up and although it is a little sad, I am so thankful for the opportunity to see who they are becoming! Still, I can't believe Evan went from baby to big boy in just 2 days!


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