The Hurt and the Healer

This morning I was able to get up, have my quiet time while feeding Evan breakfast, get both of my boys and myself ready and go to MOMS! It has been weeks since I have been able to do these "normal" activities. I already felt overwhelmingly blessed to be on my way to MOMS when I heard one of my new favorite songs on the radio. As I listened to Mercy Me's song, "The hurt and the Healer," my eyes just filled with tears. 
This song perfectly describes how I feel about the trials I have recently endured. 
Here is my favorite part:

Sometimes I feel it’s all that I can do
Pain so deep that I can hardly move
Just keep my eyes completely fixed on You
Lord take hold and pull me through
So here I am
What’s left of me
Where glory meets my suffering
I’m alive
You take my heart and breathe it back to life
I’ve fallen into your arms open wide
When the hurt and the healer collide"

That is exactly how I feel. The hurt I felt collided with my Healer and I'm alive. I'm able to take care of my family again and go to the grocery store again and take a walk around my neighborhood again. If you could have seen me a week ago, you would know that this is a miracle! Glory met my suffering. God took my heart and breathed it back to life!

Today I am thankful for MY HEALER! I prayed for healing and He answered my prayer. I probably sound like a broken record in these past few posts, but I can't help it! I am so grateful for God's healing power and His activity in my life. As I drove to MOMS today and enjoyed food, fellowship and time in God's Word, I was reminded again that I am so blessed to have my precious life and these precious people in my life. God is so good! My "hurt" didn't stand a chance when it collided with the Healer!


  1. I love that song Tori! And I know it is magnified to you in light of such suffering you experienced. Grateful with you! Robin


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