Celebrating Tyson's Sixth Birthday!

My sweet Tyson turned six years old on Tuesday. Today we had birthday party with cousins and friends to celebrate! Tyson loves Zelda- Breath of the Wild, so of course, he wanted to have a Zelda party! We had cake and ice cream, presents, a pinata, scavenger hunts, and made a shield! All the kids had a great time! Tyson had a blast, which made me so happy!

Allison just had to wear her Frozen costume since 
Tyson was wearing his Zelda costume.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing my kids have a fun time with friends while feeling loved and celebrated! Today I am thankful that Tyson had such a wonderful afternoon! Parties like these take a lot of work and I'm exhausted but, its worth every minute spent preparing and planning to see his face light up with joy!



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