Crossing Over...

 This afternoon our oldest son crossed over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts! This is a big accomplishment for someone 10 years old! Dylan began Cub Scouts in the first grade. If there was ever a cub scout that enjoyed being a scout, its Dylan! He has taken each assignment and each rank very seriously. I'm not kidding, this has been a big deal for him! He is super excited about becoming a Boy Scout. I can't wait to watch him work toward becoming an Eagle Scout, which is one of his personal goals.

Dylan is so happy to have earned his arrow of light!

Dylan made the arrow and created this special memento as a keepsake of his time in cub scouts.

I'm so proud of this fella!

Evan also earned this Wolf rank today!

This group of boys has been together for 5 years!

All scouts of Pack 16 that earn their arrow of light place their handprints on the teepee. When they earn their Eagle Scout, they come back and sign it again!

Oh well.....another failed attempt at a family photo...ha

I honestly cannot believe Dylan has crossed over into boy scouts! It seems like he just began cub scouts. Time is going so fast. Today I am grateful for the Boy Scouts and all the activities and experiences our boys are able to participate in with their peers. I am also thankful for the character traits scouting instills in the children. They work hard to become trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. These are all wonderful traits that I have witnessed developing in our boys. As Dylan moves onto Boy Scouts, I am eager to watch him grow and learn. I am so proud of the young man he is becoming!


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