Encouragement for the Jesus-Lovin' Mommas

During our homeschool co-op this morning, all of the moms participated in a sweet time of relaxation, meditation, prayer, and journaling. As I prayed, God gave me these words. He was speaking this to me and to faith-filled Mommas everywhere. Today I am grateful for God's words of encouragement for all the Mommas that love Jesus! 

 If you are a Mom that desires to live a Spirit-filled life, longs to be a blessing to her children, and wants more than anything to lead your children to the Father...

These words are for you.

These are my children.
These are the loves of my life.
They do not need to be fearful.
They are not controlled by anger, evil, or pride.
They are not in bondage.
They are free.
They are liberated.
They are loved.
They are held by me at all times.

You must teach them who I am.
You must show them My love.
You must rebuke fear and call out confidence.
You must help them understand their authority over the enemy and his schemes.
You must help them see that the chains they think hold them are only an illusion.
You must speak freedom over them and speak freedom over yourselves, as an example.
You must walk in freedom and teach them to walk boldly in freedom as well.
You must love them well and continuously remind them how loved they are by their Creator.
You must hold them close and remind them that they are constantly held by their Heavenly Father.

What you want for them, you need for yourself.
What you desire for them is what I desire for you.
What you know to be true about them is also true about you.
What I have for them, I also have for you--only good and perfect gifts.
What you believe and how you live will greatly impact their view of themselves and their view of Me.

This is your calling and it is the most important calling of all.
This is why you were created and I designed you specifically for this calling. 
This is worth every hard day, sleepless night, and frustrating circumstance.
This is a beautiful journey with so many cherished moments.
This isn't always easy but I fill it with joy, peace, love, and purpose-- like treasures for you to find each day.

Enjoy the task set before you, knowing these children were given to you on purpose. You are the exact parent they need.

Enjoy all the seasons with each of your children. Some seasons are good, some are hard. Some are amazing, some are disappointing. ALL are a part of the journey- helping to form your child into the masterpiece I carefully designed.

Enjoy the good times- those that cause your heart to overflow with delight and gratitude. These are precious gifts meant to be experienced fully--Don't miss them.

Enjoy the not-so-good times, these are purposefully allowed in your life. Difficulties offer an opportunity to learn who I am. Without these hard days, you wouldn't even recognize the good days. You wouldn't see your need for a savior. Let them see you grow closer to Me through hardship. Let them see you fall on your knees so they can witness Me, the Comforter, carry you through.

Enjoy the quiet moments when they are sleeping, reading, or snuggling with you. These moments of rest are gifts. They will be imprinted in your memory and theirs. This is where their sense of safety, peace, and comfort will develop.

Enjoy the loud moments when they are playing, cheering, laughing, and celebrating. They need these moments and so do you. Let go, relax, embrace, and celebrate with them! Worship comes in many forms, use this as an opportunity to praise me as a family. 

Enjoy the many aspects of your children. The supposedly"desired" qualities and "undesired" qualities. I carefully designed them with a purpose. I have wonderful plans. With my help, these characteristics will develop into something incredible.

Enjoy the ways I equip you. I will give you all you need to handle every season, every hardship, every personality trait, every sleepless night, every quiet moment, as well as all the loud ones.

Enjoy my constant presence. I've never asked you to do this alone. I am right beside you, enabling you to be the parent they need you to be.

There has never been a moment that I watched in disgust or anger. I have always and will always look upon you with love. I desire only the best for you and your children.

There has never been a time I pushed you away or withheld my love from you. My greatest desire is to be with you. I am eager to help you always. I will supply your every need.

There has never been a day that I was unhappy with your parenting. I am still your parent and we're in this growing process together- just as you are with your children. Cling to Me and teach your children to cling to Me as well. 

There has never been a time I regretted my decision to place these children in your care. Rest in my ability to use you as their mother. Walk in confidence as you raise these little ones.

Trust Me. Trust yourself.


Thank you, Father.


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