
Have you ever felt distant from God? If so, you're not alone. I've experienced that feeling and over the past few weeks, several of my friends have expressed feeling that distance as well. Even David, a man after God's own heart, felt distant from the Lord at times. He actually expressed feeling far from God many times, one is recorded in Psalm 71:12 (NIV) which says, "Do not be far from me, my God; come quickly, God, to help me."

But David also writes in Psalm 16:8 (NLT), "I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me." So, if David knows that God is always with him, why does he also often feel distant from Him?

In David's life and in ours, feeling as though God is far away, could result from many things. Sometimes distance occurs when we're distracted, feeling overwhelmed by life, going through difficult times, not spending time in the Word or in prayer, isolating ourselves from like-minded people, being disappointed or impatient, engaging in sin, or not dealing with our emotions.

The good news is, even though we may feel like God is far off, He never really is. Our Heavenly Father is closer than the air we breathe. He goes with us wherever we go, and He promises never to leave or forsake us. 

When we feel distance between ourselves and God, there is a simple solution. Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." We simply need to seek God with all of our hearts and the Bible promises that we will find Him. That's because He is always there! It's us who need to redirect our perspectives, refocus our attention, and place our affections on Him. 

We can do that by getting into the Word, worshipping the Lord individually and with others, spending quality time in prayer, repenting of any sin we've been entangled with, making time to rest in God's presence, serving others, practicing gratitude, and/or listening for the voice of the Father. It's also so very important to engage in conversations with others who will pray for us and encourage us and remind us of who we are and who God is.

Sometimes we feel so far from God, we wonder if we will ever make it back to Him. No matter what, the Bible says we simply need to seek Him and He's right there. However, half-hearted seeking isn't what is called for. We're told to seek Him with all of our hearts. God loves us too much to hide from us. 

If you feel distance between you and God today, carve out some time to sit with Him in prayer, find a quiet place to read your Bible, or turn up worship music and sing to Him. Whatever works for you, do it with all of your heart and He promises you will find Him. 



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