We Came Here with Nothing

Do anyone else's kids complain about the simplest things? It's something our family deals with from time to time. Lately, I've been asking myself what a complainer really is. As I've studied this, I learned the Greek word for complainer means “one who is discontented with his lot in life.” It is the same word used for grumbler. Complaining is detrimental to the peace, joy, and patience that come from the Spirit. So, it's no surprise that someone who complains is often grumpy and impatient.

When we hear our children grumbling and complaining, we often show them videos of how families in other places live and discuss how being born in the United States is a gift. We didn’t get to choose where we were born and neither do the children born in impoverished countries. We don’t deserve the many blessings we have any more than those families do. We are simply blessed. We came with nothing into this world, just like everyone else. 

As I’ve pondered how easy it is for my children to complain with no thought of how blessed they are, I realized that adults often do the same. We act as though we're entitled to all the things we have and constantly want more and more. We complain about the responsibilities that come with the gifts we've been given instead of being grateful for those gifts. Each one of us could have just as easily been born in a small village in Africa with no air conditioning or bed to sleep in. We could spend our days traveling 2 miles by foot to get fresh water for our families or have to make our own clothing. We could live in one room huts made from clay bricks we made ourselves. We could have no access to education, healthcare, or the internet. Being born into this time period and this geographical location is an overwhelming gift that we take for granted each and every day. Not to mention all the intangible gifts we've been given. Friendships, safety, love, health, joy, security, freedom, warmth, and on and on. 

So why do we spend so much time complaining? Why do we get so bent out of shape when our dryer isn't working correctly? At least we aren't forced to hang our clothes on a line.  Why do we get aggravated when we have a slow cashier at the grocery store? At least we have an unlimited amount of food at our fingertips. Why are we rarely happy with the car the drive and find something wrong about every room in our house? At least we have cars to drive and a house to live in. Even the smallest, oldest house in the United States is probably much better than the handmade tents so many Guatemalan families live in. So why are we prone to complaining and grumbling?

I believe it's because we so easily forget. 
We forget that we came here with nothing.

Every. Thing. Is. A. Gift.

"Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." James 1:17

Children often forget that they have a home full of blessings to be thankful for and then they complain and grumble about the responsibilities that come with those blessings. And sadly, adults do the same. It's so easy to focus on things we wish were different or things we want but honestly, even without those things, our lives are amazing, and God has been so good to us!  I am thankful for all that we have and all that we don't have---there are so many blessings in what we've been spared from as well! I pray that my family will remember that everything is a gift because we came here with nothing. I pray yours will, too!



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