We Have a Guide in the Maze

Last week I took my children to local farm on a field trip. I knew there would be a corn maze, but I told the kids before we even arrived that they could do the maze with their friends, but I wasn't doing it. Truth be told, I hate corn mazes. I had a terrible experience in one years ago. I thought we would never find our way out of that terrible maze! 

It turns out, when we got to the corn maze area of the farm, the rest of our group wasn't there. I wasn't happy about it, but I was forced to go through the maze because I couldn't let my kids go through it alone, obviously. 

Before we entered the maze, there was a sign with a QR code that gave access to a GPS tool that would help get through the maze. (Apparently, I'm not the only one who gets lost in those things!) My oldest son used the GPS tool to guide us through the maze, and while it still wasn't my favorite activity, it ended up not being too bad. I kept thinking, it's amazing how different the experience is when you have a guide!

As we walk through life, it can definitely feel like we're in a maze. So often decisions and circumstances leave us questioning which way we should go and there are times when other people or even our own thoughts lead us astray. We feel completely lost at times, turned around, and sometimes have no clue where we're going or if we're even head in the right direction. That's definitely the way I felt years ago in that awful corn maze. 

This time however, when we were tempted to turn the right because we saw others going that way, my son was able to use the GPS and redirect us. When we seemed to be going in a circle and getting nowhere, he was able to reassure us by checking the GPS. When we simply didn't know which way was the right way, he was able to refer to the GPS and tell us which way was the correct way. 

We have the same guidance available to us through the Holy Spirit. We are promised again and again, throughout scripture, that we are never alone and never forsaken. There isn't a moment when God takes His eyes off of us. We are also told to ask for wisdom, and it will be given to us. Isaiah 30:21 provides even more hope as we travel through this life. 

It says, “Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.”

Just like my son using the GPS tool to guide us through the corn maze, we have a uGide who knows the correct path for us to take and He promises to lead us as we travel. That's so encouraging, especially to those of us who have gotten lost in the maze before! 

Take heart, friend, regardless of how impossible your situation may seem or how directionally challenged you may feel, God promises that Your OWN ears will hear HIM. Right behind YOU a voice will say, "This is the way you should go." 



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