It's not a period. It's a polka dot!"


Recently I was talking to a friend and a memory instantly popped into my mind. God often uses my kids to teach me things and that memory taught me something, once again. My daughter and I used to have matching t-shirts that said, “Besties.” One day we were wearing the shirts (before she grew out of hers) when she looked at my shirt and pointed to the period after the word "Bestie." She asked, "What's that, Mommy?" I responded, "That's a period." She looked up joyfully and said, "No, that's a polka dot!"
I love those sweet little words, "No, that's a polka dot."
There are times when it feels as if things are hopeless or have come to an end. When we aren't sure if we heard God correctly or maybe think we've missed the mark. It can feel like there's a big period at the end of a dream, a goal, or a relationship. I’ve recently been praying over a situation that seems a though a big period has been slapped on it. My discussion with my friend reminded me of Allison’s words and I realized that I need a different perspective.
“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted."
Job 42:2
Maybe that thing that feels like a period in our lives, is really just a polka dot. Perhaps it's just a little decoration on the masterpiece which is our lives. It may not seem like it at the moment but one day, we'll look back and see that God used what seemed like a period to make the final picture even more beautiful.
Do you need a change in perspective today? Take my Bestie's words to heart!

It's not a period, it’s a polka dot!



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