
There are times in life when we’re just trying to survive. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one, experienced health challenges, been rejected, faced financial problems, been deceived, or discovered that a situation isn’t what you thought it was. In those moments, it’s easy to feel as if we have been shattered. While those are some of the hardest times of our lives, we typically move through those experiences with the hope that we can be glued back together. But what happens when we’re shattered over and over again? For me, that’s when the shattered pieces begin to feel more like dust, which is impossible to glue back together.
As I sat at the beach last week and ran my fingers through the sand, I was reminded that when we feel like we’ve been crushed into dust, we can trust God, even then, because dust is one of His favorite materials. Genesis 2:7 says, ‘Then the LORD God formed the man out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”

When we feel like pieces of us are slipping through our fingers, God is there, ready to restore us but this time, instead of simply repairing us, what if He wants to do more? Maybe He wants to create something new in and through us. Just like He created man out of the dust to begin with, God can form and mold the dust of our lives into something new, something stronger, something greater.
“I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him.” Psalm 62:1
No matter what is out to destroy us, we can be sure that God desires to carry us through, not only to a place of feeling better but to a place of victory! When we wait upon Him, put our trust in Him, and watch with hopeful expectation even when it seems impossible, God will give us victory!
God’s victory is so much more than just surviving. It’s overcoming! (1John 5:4) Laying our dust at the feet of the Father, and trusting Him with what’s left of who we are, is the first step in becoming a victorious overcomer!



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