Wet Spot on an Elevator


A few weeks ago, my family went on a Disney cruise and had the most amazing time. Since then, every time I think about our trip, a seemingly unimportant moment on the ship comes to mind. We were about to take the elevator from the 8th floor down to the 3rd floor for dinner, which was a busy time on the elevators. As we got on the elevator, a man standing in the front right corner said, “Be careful, there’s a wet spot back there.” We carefully moved away from where he pointed, and the doors closed. When the doors opened again, the man quickly shared the same information with a couple that got on. That same thing happened two more times. The man felt it was extremely important to make sure everyone on the elevator knew about the potential danger of slipping on the water.

The man got off the elevator on the 4th floor and looked back at those he had already warned about the wet spot and said, “I’m passing the baton to you all. Make sure everyone knows about that wet spot. We don’t want anyone getting hurt!”

As soon as he said those words it seemed as though a light bulb illuminated over my head. I quickly realized what a wonderful illustration that scenario was for Believers.

Mark 16: 15-16 says, “He [Jesus] said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

These verses occur right before Jesus ascended into heaven. His last words to His followers could be viewed as a “passing the baton” situation. He wanted His believers to take all they had learned from Him and share it with all the world. He wanted them to make sure other people knew how to be saved and what would happen to those who do not believe.

The man in the elevator took the wet spot in the elevator very seriously and wanted others to as well. Why? I believe it’s because the welfare of others mattered to him. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt. We should feel the same way as Believers. People all around us are walking through life with very little knowledge about Jesus, how to be saved, or what will happen if they aren’t saved. Many are searching in all the wrong places for what only Jesus can give them.

We may not be protecting folks from a wet spot in an elevator, but each day we encounter those that desperately need Jesus, whether they realize it or not. Our willingness to share what God has done in our lives, to speak the truth in love, to share scripture, or to pray with others, could be exactly what God uses to draw someone to Himself, therefore saving them from condemnation.

As believers, we have been “passed the baton,” so to speak. Jesus wants us to take the welfare of others very seriously. He wants us to tell everyone that enters our sphere of influence how much God loves them because every single person matters to Him.



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