Being Comfortable in the Uncomfortable

Over the weekend my family celebrated the life of my cousin, Chris. He passed away suddenly at only 48 years old, but the impact he had on others in those 48 years is immeasurable. During the service, the pastor said, "Chris knew how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable." It was just a quick line in the full story he was telling about Chris, but it stuck out to me and I've been thinking about it since. 

Many years ago Chris had a terrible allergic reaction to a medication, causing him to lose one of his eyes and most of the vision in his remaining eye. As a result, so much about his life changed dramatically, including his job, his independence, his ability to drive, etc. However, he never let  the difficulties of his trials change who he was. He had always been a "no excuses" type person. He was dependable, determined, and devoted and that didn't change because of his circumstances. The discomfort life handed him didn't cause him to become bitter or a complainer. He allowed himself to get comfortable in the uncomfortable so that God could use him.

We're tempted to say "why me" when we're faced with difficulties. We often wonder why God would allow us to go through something or why He chose not to answer our prayers the way we hoped He would. I believe its because He wants to help us become comfortable in the uncomfortable. Because He is our Comforter, the hard times don't have to change us or put an end to our purpose. He can use those who are willing, no matter what. . 

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort." 2 Corinthians 1:3

I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis a few years ago which forces me to live with many painful symptoms that cause me a great deal of discomfort. Thankfully, I have a cocktail of medications that help my good days outweigh my bad. Even as I type this I am receiving the infusion therapy I  get every 6 weeks to prevent AS from causing more damage to my body. There have been times when I've wondered why God hasn't healed me. I don't typically let those thoughts stay in my mind very long because I trust God's plan for my life, but after pondering Chris' life over the past few days, I'm choosing be comfortable in this discomfort God has allowed into my life as part of the story He is telling through my life. 

Typically people close up when we're uncomfortable and we see every difficulty as an excuse not to be the person we should be. We often endure something traumatic or face something hard and decide its reason enough not to do what we're called to do. We recall our mistakes and our failures and count ourselves out. And sadly, we often allow the difficulties others are facing to be an excuse for not loving them the way we should because we feel uncomfortable joining them in their pain.

Chris' life inspires me, and so many others, to get comfortable in the uncomfortable. When the odds are stacked against us, God can still use us. And when we allow Him too, He gets all the glory and those who witness it, are drawn to Him. When someone else's circumstances make us uncomfortable, there's probably no better time to set aside our feelings, and love them well. Imagine how God could use that type of selflessness!

We will all face uncomfortable trials and obstacles in our lives. We get to choose what to do in those situations. We can complain, whine, become bitter, and use those things as excuses. Or we can choose to get comfortable in the uncomfortable and allow God's power and light to shine through us, even when it appears we have every reason not to. 



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