I want to be like Pat Farmer!

The other day, while getting my nails done, I watched a TV program telling' about the first man to run from the North Pole to the South Pole. Hearing that got my attention because I've never even thought about such a thing! I didn't know running that far is physically possible. Then they said he was 48 years old when he accomplished this record, which blew my mind. I just turned 40 and I don't want to run to the mailbox! 

Pat Farmer is the first man to run from pole to pole, which is over 13,000 miles. He dedicated this amazing feat to bringing awareness and raising money for Red Cross water and sanitation projects. He said during the most difficult moments of the run he would think of people less fortunate than himself and it kept him going. The epic run took 10 months and 22 pairs of shoes. During the interview he said there wasn't one easy day but it was all worth it. 

A quote on his website reads, "The fact that I’m still on this planet makes me feel that I have a destiny to fulfil. I don’t know what that destiny is, but every time an opportunity presents itself, I figure, maybe this is what I’m supposed to do with my life. So I accept the challenge and then go off and do it. Life is full of adventure and bends in the road – you either take them or you live on regrets."

On Sunday, my Pastor read a story from Acts 8, telling about Philip and the Ethiopian. An angel of the Lord told Philip to rise and go south so, Philip did it. Then the Spirit told Philip to go over to a chariot, so he did. Because Philip listened and obeyed, he was able to lead the Ethiopian to salvation in Jesus and even baptized him in a body of water nearby. 

Hearing the sermon about Philip's obedience reminded me of Pat Farmer's quote. I'm not sure if he is a Believer or not, but when Pat is given a challenge, he accepts it and goes for it, even when the challenge is to run two marathons every day for 10 months! 

At times, when the Lord tells me something, I question it or try to rationalize it or even end up talking myself out of it. After hearing about the ultramarathon runner and then Philip's story this weekend, I've decided that I want to be like Philip, obedient as soon as I hear God's voice, and like Pat Farmer, willing to accept whatever challenge I face, regardless of how big or intimidating it may be. 

God has plans for His children that are very good, if even sometimes those plans take us far outside of our comfort zones. It's time to trust God and believe He will be with us wherever He leads us. I'm guessing the life God has planned for us will be adventure unlike any we could dream up for ourselves if we just listen, obey, and accept the challenge!


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