When they ask to join us, Let Them!

 At the beginning of each year I always have "word for the year." Recently, as I was studying my word and writing down some notes, my 13 year old son wanted to know what I was doing. I explained and encouraged him to ask God for a word for 2022. The next morning, he told me about a dream he had and said he believed God was telling him the word, "blessed" for 2022. So, of course, I encouraged him to study the word.

If you know my son, you understand how exciting task this was for him. He got out his Biblical Concordance and a few other resources he loves to study with, and got to work. We sat together, studying our words, discussing the different meanings of the word blessed when Dylan says, "I just get the feeling this year isn't about me being blessed, but about me blessing the Lord." My heart nearly burst with pride and joy but I kept it together and listened intently. 

Psalm 103 popped into my mind which begins by saying, "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name." Dylan began reading that Psalm. A couple of moments later our attention was drawn to the music playing in the background. One of our favorite Christian stations was playing a song by Matt Redman called, "Bless the Lord, O my soul (10,000 reasons)." That song was written in 2011. It was very popular eleven years ago but isn't played much at all anymore. We could not get over the timing of that song, while Dylan was reading that Psalm and studying the word, "Blessed." 

Dylan felt confirmation from the Lord and was moved by the whole experience. It was such a privilege for me to watch it all unfold. Seeing my son encounter God in such a personal way will always be a precious memory to me. 

When I was younger, I got up early and did my quiet time before the sun came up. Nowadays, with my health issues and the lack of sleep I get, my kids are the ones waking me up. I've felt a lot of guilt for not getting up early and doing my quiet time before the kids wake but this experience erased that guilt. Time alone with God is so important, but its okay for our kids to be awake and witnessing it. In fact, maybe that's better. 

If or when they ask to join us as we seek the Lord and spend time in the Word and in prayer, we must let them! What a beautiful gift it was my son and me!



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