Just Believe it When They Say You're Pretty

Earlier today my husband looked at me and said, "You're absolutely gorgeous." 
I love when he says things like that, of course, but to be honest, I never truly believe it. I don't think I ever have. As soon as he, or anyone else, says something about my appearance, I almost always doubt they are being truthful. In my mind I hear things like, "Oh, he has to stay stuff like that," or "They're just being nice," or "There is an alterior motive behind that comment."

I've spent my entire 39 years thinking terribly negative things about myself and comparing myself to others, wishing I looked like them. I can't recall even a handful of times that I felt pretty. Even when I was 18 years old, with a perfect little figure and flawless skin, I thought I was fat and ugly. I worked out every day and starved myself, always thinking if I could just get to size 1, then I would be happy with my appearance. I never did. 

When I look back at pictures from years past, I see something completely different than I did when each photo was taken. Others saw it then, but I couldn't see it until now. 

I've been praying for a while that God might help me see beauty in myself instead of only noticing my flaws. I've asked Him to open my eyes so that I can see myself, and others, the way He does. Today, when Bryan told me I was gorgeous, instead of dismissing the compliment I went and looked in a mirror. I wanted to see what he saw. As I was finding things I wish I could change while looking at my reflection, God reminded me that Bryan has always seen beauty in me, even when I couldn't. So, I decided to believe what my husband said about me. 

There are a lot of things I choose to believe, so why can't I choose to believe it when others say I am beautiful? It's time for me to make that choice! I'm sure I'll have difficulty following through with this at times but I know God sees beauty in all of His creations, especially those made in His image, so I will continue trying to see it in mysef. 

If I could go back in time and talk to my younger self, I would say, "Just believe it when they say you're pretty." If you're like me, and have a hard time seeing your own beauity or believing it when others give you a compliment, I say the same to you. 

CHOOSE to believe it when they say you're pretty! 
Because you are.




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