Thermostat vs. Thermometer


Yesterday, as I was driving around town, I heard someone who called into the radio say that she always desires to be a thermostat instead of a thermometer. Her words perplexed me at first but after a few minutes I realized what she was talking about and you know what, its pretty powerful!

We all know what thermometers and thermostats are but I thought it would be good to share a simple definition of each. 

Theremometer: A device for determining temperature

Thermostat: A device that regulates the temperature 

In this crazy world we're living in, as Christians, we should be like a thermostat. We should be regulating the atmosphere around us, not reacting to it. That's easier said than done but, nonetheless, it should be our prayer that God would enable to control our emotions and keep our eyes on Him.

Staying connected to the Father, reading the Bible, spending time in worship, praying, and fellowshiping with other believers will help us to be steady and controlled. The peace that surpasses all understanding will be evident in us.

Another thing to consider:  a thermometer reflects what's happening around it by showing the current temperature. A thermostat, however, has the power to change it.  If it is hot in my home, I use my thermostat to turn on the air conditioner so that it will get cooler. The same is true when its cold in my home. I use the thermostat to change the enviroment and make it warner.  

Not only should we be constant even when the atmosphere around us is changing. We should also be influcing our environment, making it warmer or colder when needed. God's grace will empower us to be the influence our environment needs.

 Instead of changing with the climate, we can change the climate. 

Today I am grateful that God has given us the power to be a thermostat instead of a thermometer. We don't have to be knocked and swayed by circumstances of life. We can be steady and self-controlled, knowing that God is in control. Even more, we can help to calm the storms around us. We can bring the peace of God in the situations we encounter. That is a powerful thing!

So what are you today? 
A thermostat or a thermometer?



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