Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?

If we're honest, I bet most of us have wondered why such a loving, powerful God allows bad things to happen, especially to those who love and follow Him. I mean, He does have the power to stop a hurricane or heal a disease, doesn't He? Of course, He does. If He wanted to restore broken relationships or reveal a cure for cancer, He could do it in the blink of an eye. 

So why doesn't He?

I've been writing this post in my head and in my journal for weeks now. I've been batting around these ideas and thoughts and trying to make sense of what God is teaching me. I've got to admit, being a 36-year-old mom of 4 with a deteriorating auto-immune disorder like Ankylosing Spondylitis, will cause you to ask questions of God. But I'm 100% sure God is big enough to handle my questions and more importantly, I know He isn't mad at me for asking them. He wants to reassure me. He isn't trying to trick me, avoid me, or confuse me. I can talk to Him and He is listening and answering. 

First of all, I have to point out that God DOES do the miraculous and He does it often! There are many times that He chooses to reveal Himself in the most amazing ways-- where it is blatantly obvious that He showed up and came through for His people. Oh, how I love it when He does that! He's done that for me and my family numerous times (just read my blog!)

But, there are many times when He chooses a different way to reveal Himself. Its hard for us to see this at times because we have a skewed perspective. Somewhere along the way, humans decided that we deserve only good in life and that our happiness is the most important thing. Even though our world is a wicked place because of sin entering the world in Genesis 3, we are still so shocked every time something negative happens. Honestly, though, we live in a world full of evil, terrible, no-good stuff. When the negative stuff comes our way, we really shouldn't be that surprised anymore. While God does want His children to live full, happy lives, our happiness isn't the most important thing.

Through hours of talks with God and wrestling with the frustrations and disappointments over the past several months, my God has told me that His children would never know the beauty of the mountaintops, if not for the depth of the valley. When hard times come and life is tough, we get to see God come through in so many different ways. If there was no need, we have no reason to watch for Him.

Let that soak in.

God allows bad things to happen FOR us.

The difficulties of life allow us to see the character of the Holy Spirit. We could never truly grasp kindness unless we have experienced unkindness. We will never value peace until we've danced with anxiety, fear, and worry. We could never understand faithfulness unless we've dealt with the effects of the unfaithful. We won't be able to absorb the goodness of God without witnessing the evil of this world. 

The fruit of the Spirit, which is basically God's character and nature, is best seen during difficulty. As people filled with His Spirit, we are also able to best share that same fruit with others during difficulty.

In a world so full of hatred and fear and pain, the children of God desperately need to be fully aware of the Holy Spirit. God doesn't want bad things for us but He knows what is best for us and He knows that we aren't able to wrap our minds around who He is or our need for Him, without the messy, ugly, unwanted stuff. 

For just one moment, consider life without any diseases or broken relationships or financial issues or disappointing tragedies. Would we even pray? Would we even take the time to consider who God is? Would we show kindness and love to those around us?

While our happiness is important to God, our relationship with Him is more important. Once we truly understand WHO He is and how desperately we need Him, our perspective shifts and we will see that the hard stuff is necessary and the difficulties become opportunities to know Him more.

Today I am grateful that God has heard my questions and answered my cries. I am thankful for the truths God has been imparting to me. All of this may not make sense to anyone else, but His lessons have been so valuable to me.  I am thankful for a new perspective, a desire to know Him more, and reassurance that there is purpose in the bad things.

"Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world." 
1 Peter 4:12-14


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