This Is How We Fight Our Battles...

I've always believed, to some degree at least, that Spiritual Warfare is real but over the past year or so, I've come to realize that it is more real than most people think. In fact, I believe one of Satan's greatest tactics is to cause people to believe he doesn't exist or that he isn't constantly deceiving and sabotaging God's children. 

1 Peter 5:8 says "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." I'm not sure why we as Christians haven't taken this warning more seriously. As Peter says, we have to be on guard to protect ourselves and our families from him. If not, he will use every chance he can to trip us and weasel his way in. We must be diligent and intentional, not letting down our defenses.

The current battle my family is facing is no exception. Satan probably sees this as the perfect opportunity to distract us and cause us to doubt God's goodness.  No one would be surprised if we were angry or frustrated or asking "why us?" No one would hold it against us if we kept all of our thoughts and feelings inside and only used our voices to complain. Everyone would understand if we were full of fear and worry. That's exactly what Satan wants. 

Honestly, that's what people see as the "norm" because that's what is most typical in tough situations. When someone isn't afraid of the scariest things that can happen, that seems odd. When a couple decides not to let worry consume them, others are amazed. When a family chooses to be full of joy and trust God's plan, it's inspiring.

As I've prayed and listened and trusted God through the past few weeks of being diagnosed with AS and starting the treatments, I have felt Him clearly say, "Tori, you will take THIS territory."  

Ankylosing Spondylitis isn't well-known like cancer or autism. No one is familiar with this "territory." There aren't any rallies to raise awareness for this disease or any movies sharing the victories of an AS patient. This territory is a place where Satan has previously had the advantage. He has caused fear and doubt to run wild. He has encouraged torment, shame, guilt, loneliness, pain, and depression for all involved.  This is uncharted territory and God wants me to "take it." In this case, the words TAKE IT mean to LIVE FULLY. 

Jesus said in John 10:10b, "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."

He also said in John 16:33, "In this world, you will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome the world."

Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world!
 (1 John 4:4 paraphrased) My Jesus came to this world so that we might have life---abundant life! He overcame the world and all of its troubles! So, regardless of my situation or the diagnosis, I can live abundantly because He is within me!
"Tori, you will LIVE FULLY in this territory!"

So, my family and I are taking this seriously! We're fighting to "TAKE THIS TERRITORY." How do we fight? Like this...

This is a picture of my babies praying for me!
(Allison was running away, Evan looks like
he's kicking me, and Tyson prays with his
eyes open but still, they are all there,
 praying for their Momma!)

We're praying together! We're letting our God lead the way! We're trusting that He is in control and using this all for our good! We are asking for protection against the enemy. We are trying to be intentional about putting on the armor of God. We're believing that I already have victory over AS, even though we aren't sure what the victory looks like. We're walking by faith, not by sight. We're bringing each and every need to the One that can do something about those needs. We're praising God for His willingness to walk along this path with us. 

We aren't perfect by any means! Goodness knows we have our moments! (Seriously though, that could be another blog post!) But today I am grateful for a family that is praying with me and for me. I am thankful that when I feel down or need help, they are right there to lift me up and remind me of God's goodness. These kids are 10, 6, 3, and 1 year old but they are ministering to me daily! My husband is holding my hand every step of the way. This is what family is for. This is part of what God is teaching me through this trial. It's for our good. We're learning so much about Him and about each other. 

So, this is how we fight our battles. We pray and we trust. 
And then we wait on the One that is fighting for us! 

Exodus 14:14 - "The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still."


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