Keep Leading, Mommas

Today was a wonderful Mother's Day. I enjoyed spending my day with my fellas. They made sure I felt special and loved.  In case you didn't know, I am currently VERRRYYYY pregnant, it feels like a million weeks by now. My whole body is swollen and each day seems like a year. Our entire family is eagerly awaiting the birth of our sweet little Allison!  Being THIS pregnant and having 3 little boys to take care of is super tiring. I'm honestly exhausted! This is just one of those seasons when I'm reminded that motherhood isn't always easy, but its always worth it.

At church today our Pastor said something that stuck with me. He was referring to leaders in general but I believe this statement is crucial for Mothers as well. He said,  "We're always leading. We're either leading them forward, or we're leading them backward."

It's true! At all times, as mothers, we're either leading our children in the right direction; forward, or we're leading them in the wrong direction; backward. We make choices each day that seem simple enough but honestly, all of those little decisions pile upon one another and impact our children greatly. 

His words reminded me of Galatians 6:9 which says, "So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up." 

Those words are just what I needed to comfort my weary soul today. Motherhood is tiring, its hard, its frustrating. Motherhood is also my favorite role. It's the best part of my life. It's what God created me to do. In these seasons when I'm exhausted, I need the reminder that I will reap a harvest of blessing if I do not give up. Even on the long, difficult days, leading my children in right way, forward, is not pointless. It is not wasted. It is not for nothing. Making daily choices that cause my children to move forward in their walks with Christ, and say "no" to the things of the world, will always matter. My role as their mother and the choices I make will always encourage the choices they make and will always be important. I am always leading them. And in time, I will see the harvest if I don't give up. What an amazing promise is that for us Mommas?

Today I am thankful for the gift of motherhood. I am grateful that God choose me to play this vital role in the lives of Dylan, Evan, Tyson, and soon Allison. I will never take this role lightly. I am also grateful for the reminder that being a mother is the most important job I will ever have. I am always leading. Each and every day, God is using me in the lives of my children. Most days won't be perfect. I promise you, I will mess up. But God promises that if we keep going, keep leading, we will reap a harvest of blessing. Not because of what we've done, but because He is at work in us. The Holy Spirit is at work in our children's lives, and is using us to help mold them into the people He created them to be. What an honor! How incredible is this "job?!"

On this Mother's Day, I encourage all of us Mommas, to keep going, keep leading, keep relying our Father to help us raise these youngins. For in time, we will reap a harvest of blessing! This work is not in vain!


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