On this Good Friday we spent some time discussing what the cross is really all about. Dylan read the story of Jesus' crucifixion out of the Jesus Storybook Bible and we discussed the truth of this sacrifice. Yes, the men beat Him and spit on Him and whipped Him and nailed Him to the cross but it was JESUS' choice to stay. He could have stopped it all with just one word but He CHOSE to remain there and endure this horrible death because He loves us that much.

The verse we unpacked this morning was Luke 23:46. It says, "Jesus called out with a loud voice, 'Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.' When he had said this, he breathed his last."

I first read this verse in my quiet time this morning and felt the desire to share it with my boys, to hopefully help them understand that the cross wasn't just something that happened to Jesus. He chose to allow it. He could have stopped it but chose not to. This happened on purpose because He loves us sooo much. After much discussion, I think Dylan and Evan truly begin to understand this truth, on a more personal level, which is my prayer for them!

After our Bible lesson we made special cross crafts. We all enjoyed being outside on this beautiful day, painting and talking about it Jesus!


Today I am grateful for the freedom to teach my children the most important truth in this life....that Jesus gave His life for them, willingly, because He loves them. I love spending time together, celebrating all that God has done for us! I am also thankful for the truth that Good Friday, the saddest day ever, the day Jesus was tortured and killed, wasn't an accident or something Jesus was forced to endure. No, my Jesus could have stopped it but chose not to because He knew it was the only way to save you and me. He did it willingly, with love in His heart. He died the death you and I deserve so that we don't have to! 

Thank you, Jesus, for enduring the cross and giving Your life for me. Thank you for reminding me and allowing me to teach my boys that it wasn't the nails that held you there, it was love. Amen


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